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The 5 Best Ways to Prevent Digital Fatigue: How To Stay Productive and Engaged

Oct 3, 2022Digital Strategy Consulting

man in gray hoodie using laptop computer

Digital transformation is changing the way companies do business. It’s also making it harder for employees to stay engaged, which can lead to a condition called digital fatigue.

What is digital fatigue?

Digital fatigue is a condition characterized by an overwhelming feeling of being constantly bombarded with new things to learn, and a lack of focus on the task at hand. Employees may say they are not getting any actual work done in the traditional sense because they are so consumed in their task list that makes them feel overworked. The good news is that it’s possible to prevent digital fatigue and stay productive. Here are five ways to stay engaged and productive:

Ways to combat digital fatigue

In order to combat digital fatigue, it’s important that companies invest in their employees. Investing in your employees will help them to stay engaged with the company and keep up with the latest in digital transformation. One way you can invest in your employees is by providing training and education on digital transformation. Providing this training allows your employees to keep up with trends and stay productive, which will prevent digital fatigue. Another way to combat digital fatigue is by having active tech-support available at all times. This is a great way to provide support and ease any concerns an employee might have while they are using their computers or smartphones. Finally, it’s important that companies maintain an engaging culture and offer opportunities for team members to interact with one another. This ensures that there is always a healthy level of engagement within the company.

Learn to work remotely

Working remotely can help you prevent digital fatigue. There are many benefits to working remotely, such as increased productivity and reduced stress. One way to stay productive is accounting for how your body reacts to working in a different location and adapting accordingly. You could take short breaks or take a walk outside when you start feeling the effects of digital fatigue. You could also use technology to further help you stay productive while working remotely. For example, you could work on projects when others aren’t online with tools like Google Docs and Slack. Digital detoxes can also be helpful if you want to get your mind off of work for a while.

Set aside time for active breaks

The best way to prevent digital fatigue is to set aside time for active breaks. These breaks should be a time when employees can unplug from the distractions of the internet and focus on the activities that matter most to them. This could include reading a book, taking a walk outside, or going for a bike ride. Of course, it would be difficult to find time for these breaks if you’re already swamped with work. It might make more sense to create some space in your schedule by not checking your email first thing every morning. This leaves you with some extra time in which you can plan out your day with more clarity.

Don’t work on the weekends

For many professionals, the weekend is a time to recharge and refresh. But if you’re working on weekends, you’re not able to get any rest or recharge. And with some companies now stretching workdays into the evening, it’s harder than ever to disconnect.

Establish a healthy routine

To avoid digital fatigue, it’s important to establish a healthy routine. Here are five ways you can stay productive and engaged while avoiding digital fatigue: -Put your phone on airplane mode and get out of the office. -Set time limits for certain apps, like Twitter or Facebook. -Turn off notifications for all social media apps, including Slack, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on. -Get 7 hours of sleep each night. -If you don’t have a personal day off from work every week, schedule one every month so that you can recharge your batteries.


It’s important to take care of your health in order to stay focused and productive.

A healthy routine in the workplace can help prevent digital fatigue and keep the day moving forward with a positive attitude. Learn the best ways to prevent digital fatigue and stay engaged in your work by implementing these six tips:

  1. Take a break every 45-60 minutes
  2. Establish a healthy routine
  3. Schedule time for active breaks
  4. Don’t work on the weekends
  5. Don’t work more than 8 hours per day
  6. Develop a daily routine


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