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5 Reasons to choose WordPress for your website

Before getting into the 5 reasons you should choose WordPress as your website’s platform, we need to make a distinction between and is a one in all website solution alike Wix, SquareSpace, Weebly etc that you need to pay for if you need to add your own domain, remove ads etc., on the other hand, is an open source website builder and content management system that you can install on your server.

Here we are discussing and recommend it as the most convenient, economical and powerful tool to build and manage your website. So, let’s get into the 5 main reasons you should choose WordPress as your website platform:

WordPress is forever free

WordPress is an open source software and will always be. Currently it powers over 40% of the websites on the wide web. Most other premium web solutions charge at least $10 a month so WordPress can save you a lot of money. The only costs you will have to cover are a premium hosting service. (although you can opt in for a free one) and the domain name (which you could also get for free potentially) If you’re interested in learning more on how to start a website at absolutely no cost, make sure to check out our tutorial on how to start a truly free website.

The WordPress community has your back

As WordPress is an open-source software there is a ton of free guides online. WordPress also has a dedicated use support forum where you can ask questions and help from other, more experienced users. If you don’t have advanced WP skills, there is a variety of free plugins that can help you achieve what you need.

WordPress is highly customisable

Currently there are several hundreds of thousands of both free and premium themes available you can choose from. You don’t need know code to get a great website with WordPress. All you need is find a theme that fits you and customise it to your needs. There are plenty of free themes but even very affordable premium ones, starting at $15-20. One free theme we recommend is OceanWP and a marketplace for premium one, ThemeForest on Envato Marketplace.

Premium themes last you a lifetime, so you don’t need to worry about ongoing commitments. Plus, anytime you need a revamp you can simply change the theme, keeping all your content. If you want to tinker with your website a bit more, then there are premium power plugins that allow you to build your WordPress site via a simple to use drag and drop functionality. We would recommend here plugins like Smart Slider and Divi builder but there are plenty of others out there. Currently Elegant Themes has a great pre-Black Friday deal so make sure to check them out.

WordPress can get you into coding

WordPress is amazing as it allows you to get involved with the code as much or as little as you’d like to. If you don’t want to see code at all, you can simply opt in for a premium theme. If you want to delve in just a little bit, you can opt in for a premium power plugin. And finally, if you want to get some more hands on HTML, CSS, JavaScript or PHP you can do so by building your own theme or modifying an already existing one. The beauty of WordPress is that you can do these things at your own pace, whenever you are ready. This will not only improve your site over time, but also help you build useful programming skills.

WordPress will make you visible on Google

One of the major issues with most website solutions is their poor SEO structure. With such a poor structure, Google will take longer to index your website or even rank it as relevant. WordPress was initially built as a blogging platform, so it was optimised for content. And Google and other search engines LOVE content. In addition, there are also plenty of very powerful SEO plugin that take its SEO level. Except for WordPress only Drupal or Joomla can exhibit the same SEO efficiency on the web.

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